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world-mobiles | viral news

2022-10-24 14:33:18

Viral Food Trend Fancy Butter Boards Grips US Amid Seasonal Butter Crisis

Fancy Butter Boards, a popular competitor of French delicacies have taken TikTok to new culinary heights. The Fancy butter boards are becoming more and more popular because they are quick, affordable substitutes for the meat and fancy cheese-laden OG.

This dish is quite popular despite the fact that the winters and Christmas season lead to butter shortage in the US and it is also predicted that this may increase the prices and make it more challenging to find in supermarkets.

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Laura Cipullo, a registered dietitian in New York City said, "I wish they would just go away. The idea of ​​spreading something on a wooden board with other food, sharing it with other people and having them all dive in. It's a bacteria heaven”.

Justine Doiron, who is a food vlogger on Instagram and Tik Tok, is credited with coining the term fancy butter board on social media. She used the term for the first time in a video on September 15, when she was preparing for the butter board party.

The 2017 cookbook "Six Seasons: A New Way with Vegetables," co-written by chef Joshua McFadden and Martha Holmberg, is where Justine Doiron got the concept for jazzed-up butter on wood.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Doiron said, "I think the draw is that it's super customizable". "You can be so creative with it, and people are always looking for something they've never seen before. It's an easy way to have some fun with food."

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Doiron's active butter board and bread-swiping gestures with thick, crusty slices went viral. More than 240 million people have watched fake videos using the #butterboard hashtag on TikTok. The number of searches for the topic on the website has exceeded 10 billion.

Soon after this trend went viral, spreadables on boards are in high demand from clients, according to private chefs.

Many experts have different opinions about this new delicacy. Darin Detwiler, assistant professor of food policy at Northeastern University and a specialist in the regulation of the food sector believes that Butterboards have a lot of potential for infections and according to him, wooden boards can break and the cracks cannot be cleaned thoroughly.
